AI-powered notes

AI-supported notes are filled fully automatically by JUNE AI Services when you have marked a passage of text.

To activate the template, carry out the following steps in JUNE:

  1. Click on your username in the top right corner and then click on Profile & Administration .

  2. In the sidebar, click on Facts in the Data area and on the Documents tab. There you will see an overview of all document classes.

  3. Select the appropriate document class and click on the plus button at the bottom right. A selection window opens. Click “Import Group” and select the “AI-Powered Notes” template.

  4. Click on the Import button at the bottom right.

  5. The template is displayed in the middle area.

  6. Click on the Save button at the bottom right to apply the changes.

Use AI-powered notes

  1. If you open a document from the Story or are in the Capture Case Data action, mark the corresponding text passage in the document viewer for which you would like to create a note.

  2. In the right sidebar, click the plus button in the AI-powered notes section.

  3. Type, topic and note are automatically pre-filled immediately. You can adjust the text manually later.

    • The different areas such as presentation of facts and legal assessment are recognized as types, especially in lawsuits.

  4. Check the contents of the note for correctness and save the note by clicking on the check mark.